We all have gifts that are meant to build up God’s Kingdom. Here at St. Mary’s, there are a number of ways we, together as Church, can be strengthened by your involvement.
Look over the lists below to learn more about the the ministries serving our parish. We hope you can find ways to become
active and involved in our faith community.
Come and be a volunteer!
Still not sure where to serve? Click on the SKILLS-CONNECT button below
and we'll help you decide.
About Volunteering at St. Mary’s
. . . remember, each of us is GIFTED TO SERVE!
By sharing our gifts in parish ministries, we can experience each another in a deeper way as well as create a culture where people can encounter God who dwells and works in each of us. But where and how should I help?
Sometimes, it can be difficult to figure out how to be more active in a parish. Some of our gifts might still be undiscovered! As we discern, we ask the Holy Spirit to motivate, direct, and inspire us so that we can work together to do the Church’s work effectively.
From the lists below, click on any ministry to get its full description and some contact information. The ministries have been sorted into SIX categories: Administrative, Operational, Liturgical, Education, Outreach, and Social.
To sign-up as a VOLUNTEER to serve in one or more ministries, fill out the Stewardship Form HERE.
**For VOLUNTEERS of Weekend Ministries,
SERVE: Administrative Ministries (Click any title for information.)
Church Decorating
The decorating committee in cooperation with the Liturgical Committee plans, prepares, and decorates St. Mary's liturgical space for each season of the church year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter).
Coordinator: Rafael ManIutac
Bulletin, Weekly
The Bulletin Manager works with the Parish Office/administration to produce relevant parish news for the week. The manager is also part of the Social Media Team (Facebook, Flocknote, website) in developing an electronic copy of the Bulletin for distribution to parishioners each week. Typing and computer skills are an asset.
Coordinator: Donna Wasson
Phone: Parish Office at (403) 932-2944
Food, Fellowship, & Fundraising Committee (FFF) – also listed under "Social Ministries"
The Food, Fellowship, and Fundraising Committee works each year to raise major funds for St. Mary's Building Fund. The key event is customarily an evening dinner, music/dance, and silent auction at the church. Past events have included: Oktoberfest, Harvest Moon, Western Roundup, a Greek Dinner (2015) , a Ukrainian Christmas Dinner (2016), and a Filipino Fiesta (2018 which raised $5000!) During the pandemic virtual fundraising included events such as Trivia Night, Wine Box sales, Virtual Wine & Cheese Night, and more. Committee membership varies from year to year and volunteers are always needed.
Coordinator: Rick Arthur Phone: (403) 851-9912
Church Library
The Lending Library Ministry organizes and manages St. Mary's print/electronic resources on a variety of religious subjects for all ages. The LIBRARY collection is on display in the Meeting Room #3 at the back of the church closest to the parking lot door. A short-list of Resources available include: a) BOOKS - AUTHOR LIST ; b) BOOKS - TITLE LIST ; c) DVD - TITLE LIST . The borrowing term for regular library materials is 2 WEEKS. The sign-out sheet and the Library-Return Basket are situated in the Library area.
We also have DVDs by "Special Request" — these DVDs (belonging to a private collection) can be requested via e-mail at: Attention: Nathene Arthur. For a TITLE LIST of Special Request DVDs, click HERE. Special Request DVDs may be picked up at the Parish Office. The borrowing period is ONE WEEK after which they must be returned to the Library-Return Basket located in the Library.
Re. Donations of library materials — our library at the moment is full. But when we do open up more space we can accept faith-based videos, books, and DVD's for any and all ages. The library especially welcomes youth/teen materials. Small donated items may be left in the Library Return basket. With large donations, please contact our Librarian/Coordinator.
Coordinator: Rosa Iannantuoni
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is a simple devotion that demands little of its members' time but produces great spiritual rewards. When people find themselves in crisis situations or are concerned for loved ones, friends, acquaintances and others, they can request help through St. Mary's Prayer Chain.
Members of the Prayer Chain are dedicated men and women who pray a prayer of their choice each day for specific Prayer Chain intentions/requests.
Coordinator: Linda Nicol Phone: 403-932-1804
**Connections Gift Shop
Located in the Gathering Area, our hospitality and gift shop, known as CONNECTIONS is also a centre for communication and information. One volunteer manages the shop for each weekend Mass. All new volunteers receive an orientation. Our many services include assistance for new parishioners, religious gift items for sale, Mass cards for parishioners, and a Lending Library for special request DVDs.
Coordinator: Rosa Iannantuoni
Social Media: Bulletin, Weekly
The Bulletin Editor works with the Parish Office/administration to produce relevant parish news each week. They are also part of the Social Media Team (Facebook, Flocknote, Website). The Bulletin Editor creates an electronic copy of the bulletin for distribution to parishioners each week. Typing and computer skills are an asset.
Editor: Donna Wasson
Coordination: Parish Office (403) 932-2944
**Divine Grounds
Divine Grounds is St. Mary's coffee/tea/juice and refreshments "servery" or mini cafeteria in the Gathering Area. We serve coffee, tea, juice, and cookies after the weekend masses. We're always looking for and welcome volunteer assistance from individuals or couples.
Coordinator: Terri Peters Phone: (403) 932-4665
Social Media: Facebook
The Facebook Editor is responsible for regular posting, reading responses, and updating the St. Mary's parish Facebook page.
Editor: Charlene Jennings Phone: (403) 981-9425
Finance Council
The Finance Council is responsible for overseeing the financial administration needs of the Parish, including the preparation / monitoring of the annual budget for operating and capital expenditures. This involves all past, present and future spending and provides direction for fundraising activities and stewardship into the future. The council maintains an ongoing dialogue with parishioners, informing them on our financial status while embracing the views and interests of the whole Parish. New members are appointed by the Pastor in consultation with the Council.
Coordinator: Gordon Gieck Phone:(403) 239-6726
Social Media: Flocknote
The Flocknote Newsletter Editor manages St. Mary's Flocknote account and updates critical information sent out to parishioners each week.
Coordinator: Darryl Goyetche Phone: (403) 542-5100
**Grocery Card Fundraising Team
The Grocery Card Fundraiser has been very successful over the past many years. Its main purpose is to help pay down our mortgage. The "Grocery Cards" table is situated in the Gathering area and is manned by volunteer "sellers" after weekend Masses. A schedule for volunteer sellers is sent out 2-3 times per year. See the current work schedule HERE. And for more information, click HERE.
Coordinator: Cathie Slager and Leslie Brown
Social Media: Twitter
The Twitter Editor manages St. Mary's Twitter account and updates critical information sent out to parishioners each week.
Coordinator: vacant at this time
Contact: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Liturgy Committee
The liturgical committee meets every couple of months to coordinate liturgical activities for the seasons of the Church Year (e.g. Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc.). The group includes the coordinators of the various Liturgical Ministries.
Coordinator: Elaine Van Oyen
Social Media: Website
The Parish Website is a collaborative effort. The webmaster works with Parish Administration and the Ministry contacts to keep St. Mary's website pages current. Internet/web and computer competency are assets. Duties include weekly site management, updating and coordination, content maintenance, and web publishing.
Coordinator/Webmaster: Sharon Mogen
Phone: (403) 851-5520
Office Assistance
Office volunteers are regularly needed to help out with clerical duties at the church. These may include:
photocopying weekly Parish Bulletins,
folding and putting inserts into Bulletins,
typing letters and memos,
telephone assistance,
stocking pews with various donation envelopes,
helping with preparations for Christmas and Holy Week,
assisting in the mailing out of information to parishioners,
data entry and filing
and much more . . .
Coordinator: Charlene Jennings Phone: (403) 932-2944
Together in Action
Together in Action is the Annual Bishop's Appeal which supports dozens of ministries and organizations throughout southern Alberta and Canada. You can learn more about the TIA campaign HERE. Each year St. Mary's Parish in Cochrane is assessed a portion of this diocesan endeavour. A coordinator is required to lead our fundraising toward that end.
Any excess contributions go toward our Building Fund/mortgage payments.
Coordinator: Joann Churchill Phone: (403) 932-0818
SERVE: Operational Ministries (click any title for information)
Building Lock Up
The Building Lock Up person is responsible for seeing that all lights are turned off and all external entry doors to the church are secure and locked at the end of weekend Masses. Volunteers specify which week-end Mass they wish to attend so duties can be coordinated.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
This volunteer is responsible for regularly collecting recyclables at the church and hauling it to the eco depot in Cochrane.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Collection Counters
Collection Counters meet once a week to do a count of all money collected from various sources on the weekend as well as miscellaneous items from the preceding week. We count, balance, and ready the bank deposit. Previous experience in these tasks is an asset but not necessary as we train all volunteers. We always welcome new volunteers.
Coordinator: Colleen Gaetz
Assistant: Greg Braganza Phone: (403) 473-8011
Snow Shovelling
This volunteer task involves removal of snow from sidewalks and church entrance ways after snowfalls in Fall, Winter, and Spring. Volunteers are generally coordinated and scheduled through the Parish Office.
Coordinator: Greg Braganza Phone: (403) 473-8011
The Handyman/woman at St. Mary's assists with the ongoing maintenance and minor repair work around the church. Experience is an asset. The volunteer(s) for these jobs is generally coordinated and scheduled through the Parish Office.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Supply Pickup
Supply Pick-up volunteers assist the parish by picking up supplies such as groceries for Divine Grounds, the publications used by various ministries, items for the Office, and so on, either from Cochrane or from Calgary on a regular or occasional basis.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Landscape Maintenance (General)
St. Mary's Landscape general maintenance (minus the Sacred Garden) requires garden care in the Spring and Summer, and cleanup in the Fall. Volunteers are required for these jobs and are generally coordinated and scheduled through the Parish Office.
Coordinator: Tom Biberger
Transportation to Mass
The Transportation Ministry assists parishioners who are unable to transport themselves to Church. These volunteers pick up and return these parishioners to their homes. Volunteers specify which week-end or daily Mass they wish to attend so that transportation can be coordinated.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Landscape Maintenance (Sacred Garden)
St. Mary's Landscape maintenance of the Sacred Garden entails garden care/upkeep in Spring and Summer and clean-up in the Fall. Volunteers are required for these jobs and are generally coordinated and scheduled through the Parish Office.
Coordinator: Dominic Kowalczyk
Water Valley Cemetery
The Water Valley Cemetery Coordinator assists those St. Mary's parishioners wishing to have a loved one buried at Water Valley Cemetery north of Cochrane. At least a week's notice for making these arrangements is appreciated.
Coordinator: Greg Braganza Phone: (587) 362-1226
Plant Care
This volunteer water plants inside the church building each week. Each person waters for one month at a time.
Coordinator: Therese Trimble
SERVE: Liturgical Ministries (click any title for information)
**Altar Servers
Altar Servers: For hundreds of years, young people have been helping to serve Mass by assisting the priest with vestments, lighting candles, ringing bells, holding the Sacramentaries, and saying prayers.
Both boys and girls who have celebrated their First Eucharist are eligible to serve. One two-hour training session is arranged every Fall at the church by the Altar Server Trainer. New servers are included on a Ministries Mass Schedule e-mailed out several times a year.
Coordinator: Keith Schneberger
Phone: (403) 932-2720 or (403) 510-1675
Music Ministry
Music ministry is a vital part of our weekly celebration of the Eucharist and the sacraments. New members are always welcome in our choir or as pianists or instrumentalists. We have a Youth Choir, too!
Music Coordinator: Elaine Van Oyen
Youth Choir: Brettly Battistone Phone: (587) 439-9536
Bell Ringers
Bell ringers are trained in the ringing of the three bells in the tall bell tower of St. Mary’s Church. The bells are rung following weekend Masses.
Coordinator: Ken Weisner
**PowerPoint Operator (Weekends)
The Powerpoint Operator is responsible for creating and running the Powerpoint slideshows for our weekend Masses and other special Masses. They also recruit, train, and schedule Powerpoint Operators and Image Researchers.
Coordinator: Brenda Stang
**Eucharistic Ministers
Ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest (and deacon) in serving the consecrated bread and wine (Christ's Body and Blood) to the congregation at every Mass. To participate in this liturgical ministry you must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation in the Catholic Church. If you are married, you must have been married in the Catholic Church. Training is provided. Ministers are appointed for terms of 3 years.
Coordinator: Blossom Braganza Phone: (587) 362-1226
Assistant: Pat Surowski
The Readers' Ministry is critical to St Mary's parish to assist in the celebration of the Mass and at other events such as Reconciliation services. For the Mass, readers commit to bringing the First and Second readings and Prayers of the Faithful to the congregation.
A strong, clear speaking voice and a commitment to making the readings both vibrant and understandable is the goal of each reader. Initial training with ongoing development is offered.
Coordinator: May Depositar Phone: (587) 581-3723
Funeral Altar Server (Adult)
Adult Server(s) assists the priest during the Funeral Mass and at Communion time. Funerals are often held during weekdays.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
The Sacristan sets up all the sacred articles that are used during Mass. Training is provided.
Coordinator: Blossom Braganza
Funeral (Lunch/Baking) Reception
The Funeral Reception/Lunch Committee provides refreshments for family and friends following the funeral.
Coordinator: Marie Evans Phone: (403) 540-3349
Coordinator: Terri Peters Phone: (403) 512-9020
Sacristy Caretaker
The Sacristy Caretaker ensures that all vessels that are used during the Mass are washed. This volunteer also washes and refills the holy water fonts and replaces, as needed, votive candles in the Day Chapel.
Coordinator: Risa Grime
Funeral/Wedding PowerPoint Operator
The PowerPoint Operator runs the overhead visuals (for hymns/prayers) during the Wedding or Funeral Mass.
Coordinator: Brenda Stang
Sacristy Laundry
Since having the Eucharist under both species, we use more linens/towels. The used linens are picked up on the weekend or during the week by volunteer(s) to launder and return within the following week. Training/instruction is required.
Coordinator: Deacon Ron Assistants: Adele Dyall, Heather Gosselin
Gift Bearers
Couples or families present the gifts (bread, wine) to represent the community after the Prayer of the Faithful at weekend masses. Following the collection of the offerings, the gifts are brought forward to the altar.
We coordinate our volunteers with a master schedule sent out every few months.
Coordinator: Brenda Stang Phone: (403) 932-9884
Ushers help to ensure that all Masses go smoothly. Our ushers know St. Marys' will be judged by how they act and respond to the needs of parishioners. They also participate fully in the liturgy and are seen as leaders in our church community. Ushers watch for safety issues such as First Aid, Fire, or other emergencies. Some Ushers also volunteer to lock up the Church after the weekend Masses. For more details, click here to read the "Guidelines for Ushers."
Coordinator: Perry Ruzicka and John Kuefler
Greeting those arriving for Mass is a ministry that is easy and enjoyable. It’s a wonderful way to become familiar with fellow parishioners and to welcome them into our beautiful church. It can be done as a family or individually.
Coordinator: Anna Rempel Phone: (403) 981-2981
SERVE: Education Ministries (click any title for information)
Baptism Preparation Home Visits
Volunteers visit parents who have requested Baptism for their child/children. Volunteers receive training/instruction in terms of answering questions about the sacrament of Baptism and about the preparation courses for parents and godparents.
Coordinator: Deacon Ron Fortier
Contact: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
RCIA Catechist/Sponsor (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Youth/Children)
RCIA catechists are volunteers from St. Mary's faith community who journey with unbaptized adults, children, and youth (the catechumens) who wish to become Catholic. The RCIA process is also meant for those who were baptized in other Churches, and for any baptized Catholics who have not yet celebrated Confirmation and First Eucharist.
To become an RCIA catechist, one must have been an active parishioner at St. Mary's for at least two years and committed to passing on the Catholic faith employing Holy Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Coordinator: Linda Michaud Phone: (403) 851-1650
Bible Study
Our Faith/Bible Studies provide an opportunity to discuss and explore God’s Word, the history and richness of our faith, and current issues in the light of our faith. The Bible Studies often follow a 6 - 8 week format at St. Mary's. During the pandemic some of the Studies were held via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to participate. You may come for all of the sessions; or just the ones that work for you!
Coordinator: Linda Michaud
Contact: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Sacramental Preparation Assistance
Volunteer assistance is needed for preparing children and their families for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Materials and instruction are provided.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Children's Liturgy (Ages 6-8)
Children (aged 6-8) in Kindergarten to Grade Two are invited to participate in our activities during Sunday Mass (October-May). The Liturgy of the Word is celebrated using age-adapted readings bringing the Word of God closer to the children's level of understanding. No registration is required for the children.
Coordinator: Katherine Kinch Phone: (403) 241-5363
St. Mary's Mothers' Group – also listed with "Social" ministries
Our Moms Group realizes when mothers support each other, INCREDIBLE things happen! This group gives mothers of young children a chance to grow in faith and fellowship.
Complimentary child care is available. Join the email list and Facebook group (below) to find out what is coming up!
WHERE: Church Gathering Area
WHEN: Every other Monday 10 am - 12 noon
EMAIL LIST: St. Mary's Moms
FACEBOOK Group: Cochrane Catholic Moms
Coordinator: Maria Nugent Phone: (403) 465-3203
Children's Sunday Circle (Ages 3-5)
Sunday Circle is a lectionary-based program for 3 to 5 year olds offered during the Sunday morning Mass. The program involves story telling, singing songs and a craft activity. Parents bring their children before Mass begins and the children return to the main assembly during the preparation of the gifts.
NOTE: People with child care experience such as babysitting and who like to work with children and youth are especially encouraged to volunteer for this ministry.
Coordinator: Dolores Abraham
Youth Group
Junior and Senior Youth Groups and a Youth Choir have been operational over the years at St. Mary's.
Youth aged 12-18 years are welcome to participate in these group activities. Adult volunteers are required to help organize and manage the youth events.
Coordinator: Tracey Retallack Phone: (403) 932-0512
RCIA Candidate (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Youth/Children)
The RCIA Candidate or Catechumen is an unbaptized adult, youth, or child who wishes to become Catholic. The RCIA process is also meant for those who were baptized in other Churches, and for those baptized Catholics who have not yet celebrated Confirmation and/or First Eucharist. Please contact the Parish Office if you (or someone in your family) are interested in undertaking this journey.
Contact: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
SERVE: Outreach Ministries (click any title for information)
Cochrane Catholic Schools Liaison
The three Catholic schools in Cochrane—Holy Spirit Elementary School, St. Timothy Junior-Senior High School, and École Notre-Dame des Vallées (French immersion school)—retain close ties with St. Mary's parish. Fr. Dennis visits them regularly and the students and their parents rely on our church community for assistance with sacramental preparation and initiation. St. Mary's provides teams of volunteers to aid in the faith formation of students as they prepare for the sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. Volunteer adults who wish to assist on these sacramental teams may contact the Parish Office to indicate their interest in helping.
Coordinator: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
Interchurch Representative
Interfaith Reps volunteer from St. Mary's to represent our parish in Diocesan and local ecumenical initiatives.
Contact: Deacon Ron Fortier Phone: (403) 932-2944
Cochrane Food Drives
Food Drive volunteers from St. Mary's help with food collections in the town of Cochrane during Spring and Fall in affiliation with the Cochrane Activettes organization. See their website HERE.
Coordinator: Leah Peach Phone: (403) 851-1660
Pastoral Care/Visits to the Sick
The Pastoral Care Team of volunteers arranges the spiritual support needed by St. Mary's parishioners or their loved ones. Prayer service, administration of the Eucharist, and home visits are offered. Regular visits to Bethany Care Centre, Big Hill Lodge, and Hawthorne Senior Living Community in Cochrane are part of our mandate, too.
The team can also arrange for a priest to visit a family member requiring the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
To serve on our team and to comply with the Diocese of Calgary's requirements, a Pastoral Care Program is necessary for volunteers.
Contact: Jim Ward
Development & Peace
Development and Peace is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and is the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. The organization is a community, diocesan, and national outreach aimed at social justice for those in need. To read how the Development and Peace outreach operates, click here. To assist as a volunteer enquire with the Parish Office.
Contact: Parish Office Phone: (403) 932-2944
St. Timothy's School Breakfast
The St. Timothy's School Breakfast volunteers cook and/or serve breakfast to students who come to school without breakfast or lunch.
Coordinator: Kim McLean Phone: (403) 851-6664
Feed the Hungry
Feed the Hungry volunteers at St. Mary's are assigned to help serve a meal at St. Mary's Cathedral in Calgary each year at Easter and/or Thanksgiving.
Coordinator: David Delainey Phone: (403) 241-2634
Welcoming Committee
St. Mary's Welcoming Committee make contact with new parishioners to help them feel welcome in the parish. On occasion, we've held "new parishioners luncheons," too!
Coordinator: Jennifer Foy Phone: (403) 851-7680
Helping Hands
Helping Hands volunteers at St. Mary's are organized in partnership with Cochrane Family and Community Support Services. They assist with community needs/requests such as: lawn care for seniors, driving those without transportation, respite care for parents with young children, moving help, home maintenance and cleaning, educational and language assistance, and many more activities. This ministry also works with in conjunction with the Cochrane Activettes' Food Bank.
Coordinator: Leah Peach Phone: (403) 851-1660
SERVE: Social/Connecting/Fellowship Ministries (click any title for information)
Family Fun Nights
Family Fun Nights are typically held after evening Mass on the first Saturday of each month at St. Mary's. Participation is pre-registered so we know how much pizza to order! The whole family is welcome! Enjoy a pizza-supper and fellowship.
Coordinator: Nick Simoni Phone: (403) 981-3318
Food, Fellowship, & Fundraising Committee (FFF) – also listed with "Administrative Ministries"
The Food, Fellowship, and Fundraising Committee works each year to raise major funds for St. Mary's Building Fund. The key event is customarily an evening dinner, music/dance, and silent auction at the church. Past events have included: Oktoberfest, Harvest Moon, Western Roundup, a Greek Dinner (2015) , a Ukrainian Christmas Dinner (2016), and a Filipino Fiesta (2018 which raised $5000!) During the pandemic virtual fundraising included events such as Trivia Night, Wine Box sales, Virtual Wine & Cheese Night, and more. Committee membership varies from year to year and volunteers are always needed.
Coordinator: Rick Arthur Phone: (403) 851-9912
Knights of Columbus
St. Mary's Knights of Columbus, the Father Scollen Council, invites you to join us. Click HERE for more information about our group.
Coordinator: Mike Legault Phone: 819-360-7349
St. Mary's Mothers' Group – also listed with "Education" ministries
Our Moms Group realizes when mothers support each other, INCREDIBLE things happen! This group gives mothers of young children a chance to grow in faith and fellowship.
Complimentary child care is available. Join the email list and Facebook group (below) to find out what is coming up!
WHERE: Church Gathering Area
WHEN: Every other Monday 10 am - 12 noon
EMAIL LIST: St. Mary's Moms
FACEBOOK Group: Cochrane Catholic Moms
Coordinator: Maria Nugent Phone: (403) 465-3203
Ladies of St. Mary's
The Ladies of St. Mary's seek to: give service and support to St. Mary's parish and its programs; strengthen the parish community, and nurture the spiritual well-being of our members by following the example of Christ Our Lord.
We've put on dinners and Cookie Walks, hosted the Easter Vigil, distributed mementos to children receiving sacraments, and initiated the sale of grocery cards to raise funds for the completion of our church kitchen. We gather on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in one of the meeting rooms at the church. All women of the parish are invited to join us.
Coordinator/President: Ivonne Kaschel
Phone: (587) 362-3249
Rosary Makers
The Rosary Makers meet once a week on Wednesday mornings, 9-11 am, to make mission rosaries to send all over the world e.g. India, Africa, Indonesia, and Mexico, to Indigenous missions, and locally to school children. A few of our members also make chain rosaries, finger rosaries, and repair broken rosaries.
New volunteers are very welcome and will be taught how to make the rosaries in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Working together is a great way to get to know one another and to form lasting friendships.
Coordinator: Donna Wasson Phone: 403-239-4349
Marian Prayer Group
The Marian Prayer Cenacle (Latin meaning gathering of disciples before Pentecost) is a group of parishioners who love the Blessed Mother, Mary. We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 pm for an hour or so to pray together. The Marian Movement of Priests is the format followed. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to help each other live and practice our consecration to Our Lady. A shared presence with Mary, in a cenacle, in prayer, strengthens us personally so we can encourage one another to grow in faith. New participants are always welcome.
Coordinator: Bev Pamenter
Seniors' Lunch
Lunch is served to seniors here at St. Mary's on the second Thursday of every month (October to May). All Seniors are welcome. The only thing required is that you sign up at the Connections Gift Shop desk in the Gathering Area or call the Parish Office (403-932-2944) to tell how many we can expect for lunch. We hope you'll join us!
Coordinator: Blossom Braganza Phone: (587) 362-1226