
Each of us are at a different place on the journey of faith. What's important is that we're on the journey together and we challenge each other 

to keep taking the next step forward. 

Are you willing to go deeper? 


Information to follow.

Coordinator:  Michael Wilson:


Located in the Gathering Area is our hospitality and gift shop known as CONNECTIONS. It is also a centre for communication and information. One volunteer manages the shop for each weekend Mass. Our many services include the sale of devotional gift items for sacramental remembrances, Catholic books, greeting cards, and more. 

Click HERE for further information. 

And if you'd like to VOLUNTEER your help, click HERE.

Coordinator: Rosa Iannantuoni


Our Faith/Bible Studies provide an opportunity to discuss and explore God’s Word, the history and richness of our faith, and current issues in the light of our faith. The Bible Studies often follow a 6 - 8 week format at St. Mary's. During the pandemic some of the Studies were held via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to participate. You may come for all of the sessions, or just the ones that work for you!

Contact: Parish Office      Phone: (403) 932-2944

LENDING LIBRARY: (click here)

a)  The Lending Library Ministry organizes and manages St. Mary's print/electronic resources on a variety of religious subjects for all ages. The LIBRARY collection is on display in the Meeting Room #3 at the back of the church closest to the parking lot door.

To browse the list of Resources available, click on any of the following: 

The BORROWING TERM for regular library materials is 2 WEEKS. The sign-out sheet is available in the Library area. Please return all library materials to the Library-Return Basket. 

b)  We also have DVDs by "Special Request" — these DVDs (that belong to a private collection) can be requested via e-mail at:  Attention: Nathene Arthur.

c)  Donations of library materials: please NOTE our library at the moment is full, but when we do open more space we'd gratefully accept faith-based videos, books, and DVD's for any and all ages. The library especially welcomes youth/teen materials. Small donations may be left in the Library Return basket. With large donations, please contact our Librarian/Coordinator.

Coordinator: Rosa Iannantuoni

RCIA  (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children/Youth)

SACRAMENTS for CHILDREN/YOUTH 7 Years and Older, Not Baptized, and for ADULTS THINKING about JOINING the CHURCH or ADULTS who have been baptized in other Churches or those who are baptized Catholic but have not celebrated the sacraments of First Eucharist or Confirmation.

SACRAMENTS for Catholics  (click HERE)

If you’re not Catholic or have been away from the Church for a while

We invite you to rediscover Jesus and the Catholic faith again.

Are you ready to join our parish family? 

Click HERE to register.