Many of St. Mary's memories from over the years are preserved in their sights and sounds. This page is set aside to celebrate those special events and activities in photography and video. The memories are organized
starting from the most recent.
St.Mary's Stewardship Fair September 2024
—Photos courtesy of Mike Wasson
Installation of
Fr. Joe Glaab, ofm
as St. Mary's Pastor
on Sept. 1, 2024
— Photos courtesy of Mike Wasson
— Private on YouTube
Easter Vigil
Mar. 30, 2024
— Photos courtesy of Mike Wasson
Children's Choir at Mass
Feb. 3, 2024
— Video courtesy of Veronica Rivera
— Private video in-house
** to play the video, click on the image, wait till loaded, then click the tiny arrow in top right-hand corner. Enjoy!
Pre-Christmas Fun at
St. Mary's 2023
— Photos courtesy of Emilie Dorge,
Cecilia D'Mello, and Susan Campbell
— Private on YouTube
Rosaries for Holy Spirit School
— Photos courtesy of Mike Wasson
The Synodal Theme Song, "Listen, Let Us Listen" was played for participants.
NOTE: "Synodality" = listening to and hearing one another, walking together, learning together
St. Mary's Synod Listening Sessions, 2022
Thanks to St. Mary's Synod Committee and Fr. Dennis, our parish hosted two listening sessions (March 27 in-person and March 29 on Zoom). About sixty participants met and collaborated through reflection and prayer to answer Pope Francis' call to Catholics world-wide about their personal experiences journeying together as Church. The task was to discern what steps the Holy Spirit is inviting all of us, as Church, to take in order to grow and learn together.
Lenten Mission 2022
— Photos by Warren Harbeck
About Eucharistic Exposition at St. Mary's 2020 - 2021
— Photos courtesy of Warren Harbeck
The Virtual Choir
During the pandemic of 2020-2021, we were missing the Sound of St. Mary's Choir! So, Nathene Arthur, our Choir Director, came up with the IDEA of the Virtual Choir.
She explained:
"Parishioners, family, and friends (are) invited to video themselves singing WITH the backtrack to selected songs. Participants (need) to wear a headset or ear buds. Then, once the singers (have) video-taped themselves singing, the final choir presentation (will be) assembled by Lisa at with copy to Nathene at "
The Virtual Choir began in AUGUST 2020 by producing the hymn: "Let There Be Peace"—thanks for everyone's help.
After that came a steady stream of virtually performed hymns. The song for SEPTEMBER was "There Is A Longing."
During the months of OCTOBER/NOVEMBER, St. Mary's Virtual Choir worked on "Bread of Angels."
Then, for ADVENT, the choir performed "Come, Come Emmanuel."
In DECEMBER 2020, the hymn chosen was "Angels We Have Heard On High." CLICK ON THE PICTURE to hear and see the results.
The Song for FEBRUARY 2021 was "How Can I Keep From Singing."
Thanks to Nathene and the St. Mary's Choir for bringing us joy. It's been a challenge during these "strange and challenging times"! And the sound of music has been gratefully received by so many parishioners.
Visual Meditation
"Sacred Solitude" is a visual meditation— walking through St. Mary's Sacred Garden—using the photography of Warren Harbeck, the piano arrangement of Joel Rosenberger, and the hymn "In the Garden" by C. Austin Miles.
Charlene Gale's Retirement Party
January 10, 2020
Charlene (on the left in the photo) served over 11 years as Parish Secretary and worked with 3 priests at St. Mary's. She has added immensely to our parish and we are forever grateful. Best wishes, Charlene, on a wonderful and exciting retirement!
— Photos courtesy of Warren Harbeck
Fr. Dennis was Installed as Pastor of St. Mary's
September 21, 2019
Bishop McGrattan came from Calgary to make it official.
— Photos courtesy of Michael Michaud,
St. Mary's Parishioner
70th Anniversary of Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre
held August 2019
— Photos courtesy of Warren Harbeck
Cochrane Walk of the Cross on Good Friday, 2019
Local churches of all denominations participate
— Photos courtesy of Warren Harbeck
Bishop McGrattan's Pastoral Visit to St. Mary's
February 1-3, 2019
— Photos courtesy of Warren Harbeck
Ladies of St. Mary's 2018 "Cookie Walk" Sale, November 24, 2018
Every year (except during the time of Covid-19) the Ladies group put on a grand bake sale with proceeds going toward the Parish Building Fund.
—Photos courtesy of Warren Harbeck
"100 Bells" at St. Mary's
November 11, 2018
Our parish joined this Diocesan/Canada-wide endeavour to mark the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I . . .
— Photos from Warren Harbeck
Filipino Fiesta April 14, 2018
The parish held a large fundraising dinner with music and entertainment from the Philippines
— Video courtesy of Daisy McKinnon
Father Andrew's Retirement Celebration July 22, 2017
— Photos courtesy Warren Harbeck
St. Mary's 10th Anniversary (2017) in Our New Building
On June 13, 2017 Parishioners and Father Andrew celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the blessing of St. Mary's Church by Bishop Henry. Fr. Andrew also took the opportunity to thank the many ministry volunteers for their help throughout the year!
—Photos from Warren Harbeck
Walk of the Cross on Good Friday, April 14, 2017
This event is held each year in Cochrane for all Christian communities. St. Mary's has always played an important part.
— Photos courtesy of Warren Harbeck
A Visit from Bishop Emeritus, Fred Henry 2017
Bishop Fred Henry (then in the early weeks of his retirement) visited our parish on March 30 to speak about the meaning of Lent. He issued a challenge to St. Mary's parishioners: "What would Jesus do?"
How the Works of Mercy Were Celebrated by Our Parish in the Jubilee Year of Mercy 2016
This display illustrates the ongoing Diocesan Works of Mercy and St. Mary's contribution to its success.
— Photos from Warren Harbeck
St. Mary's Sacred Garden
Spring 2016
See this overview of the beautiful Sacred Garden just outside the main church.
— Narration by Mike Simpson
St. Mary's Labyrinth
April 2016
This video explains the experience of the labyrinth as part of St. Mary's Sacred Garden.
—Narration by Leslie Davies
Works of Mercy Display 2016
A beautiful exhibit of photographic art by parishioner Lou Perrin was on display in the Gathering Area prior to Easter 2016. Lou's photographs feature locations from across Canada to celebrate the seven Corporal Works of Mercy.
Ukrainian Christmas Dinner 2016
Held on January 9th at St. Mary's, this event was well-attended by parishioners and guests. Authentic Ukrainian music was performed by the Korinnya Ukrainian Folk Ensemble, featuring Iryna, the instrumental soloist. The food was outstanding and the fellowship rewarding. A huge success, thanks to the organizers and cooks!! Enjoy the slideshow of the proceedings.
Stations of the Cross – Installed at St. Mary's in 2015
A depiction of the 16-Station Way of the Cross, now installed in our worship area, was posted on the bulletin board leading into the Gathering Area.
The plaques displaying St. Mary's 16 Stations of the Cross owe credit as follows:
— design by Bonnie Farris
— installation by Mike Simpson
— photos by Warren Harbeck
See a VIDEO of the Stations below.
DID YOU KNOW? The Stations of the Cross were installed at St. Mary's in the spring of 2015 with the framing of each station done over the summer.
DID YOU KNOW? The beautiful images depicting the Passion and death of Christ were commissioned by our parish and painted by renowned artist Bev Tosh.
DID YOU KNOW? There are 16 stations in St. Mary's Way of the Cross, not the traditional 14. Do you know why this is so?
Find the answers in the VIDEO above.
St. Mary's Parish Picnic
July 26, 2015
— Photos by Warren Harbeck
St. Athanasius Greek Dinner
May 2, 2015
Music by the nationally acclaimed REMBETIKA HIPSTERS
— Photos by Warren Harbeck
— Construction in 2007 —
In May 2015, St. Mary's was honoured to receive the Alberta Masonry Council Design Award 2015 for the unique arches over the main entrance to the church. Read about the design and construction in the article Monumental Masonry Arches from Construction Canada (Oct. 2014) pp. 74-82, written by Mark D. Hagel, PhD, P. Eng. and Monica Guzman, MSc, B. Eng.
— A Closer Look at the Arch —
More Videos Shared by Our Parishioners
Blessing of the Sacred Garden Sept. 2014
Bishop Henry came to Cochrane to bless the Sacred Garden at St. Mary's
on Sept 7, 2014.
— Photos by Warren Harbeck