
We all worship something. Whether it's God, money, fame, pleasure whatever or whoever we give highest worth to in our daily life – that's what we worship. As Catholics, we are called to place Jesus Christ at the centre of our lives and worship God alone. He becomes the lens through which we see the whole world. We invite you to join us in our worship.

Mass Times

* WEEKEND Masses : 

Saturday 4:00 pm   

Sunday 10:00 am 

* WEEKDAY Masses : 

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9 am 

(these Masses are held in the Christ the King Chapel)

 * ADDITIONAL Masses : 

NOTE: Prior to attending Seniors Home Masses listed below, please contact them for their current health status/requirements.


For various Parish Daily and Sunday/Weekend Masses Livestream, click HERE.


Confession & Adoration

Prayer Groups

We currently have a prayer chain of over one hundred 'prayer warriors' who will offer a special prayer each day for the prayer chain's intentions. If we can pray for you or a loved one, please email your request to Linda Nichol: lindamnicol50@gmail.com

All members of the parish are invited to join in praying the ROSARY on Saturdays at 12:00 pm, after the Hour of Adoration in the Christ the King Chapel. No registration necessary.

Come and join our "Canada Prays" Rosary in St. Mary's Sacred Garden every Wednesday at 6:00 pm to pray to Our Blessed Mother for Canada, and to place our country under her care. In the winter months, or in case of inclement weather, it will be held in the Chapel. We are planning to continue indefinitely!


For information about any of the sacraments — Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick, or RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Children/Youth) — please click HERE. 

The Sacred Garden & Labyrinth

St. Mary's Sacred Garden & Labyrinth is always open 24-7 and everyone is welcome to use it! Consider the SACRED GARDEN LABYRINTH as a tool for meditation, contemplation, and personal reflection.  Click HERE for more information.