Synod 2021-2024:  

Walking Together as  



*DEFINITION of SYNODALITY: walking together, listening to one another, dialoguing, hearing the other, learning from the other; the three key pillars of Synodality are Communion, Participation, and Mission with no hierarchy between them. The Synod on Synodality is also known as the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops—but this time the Synod is historically very different.

INTRODUCTION: For a short video explaining the 

Synod on Synodality 2021-2024, click HERE.


Fall 2021 to Fall 2023: The Synod's Background 

Synod Synthesis_Diocese of Calgary_UPDJune17.pdf


Thanks to St. Mary's Synod Committee and Fr. Dennis, our parish hosted two listening sessions in 2022 —March 27 in-person and March 29 on Zoom.

St. Mary's Parish (Cochrane) Synodal Listening Sessions Spring of 2022 

 About sixty participants met and collaborated through reflection and prayer to answer Pope Francis' call to Catholics world-wide about their personal experiences journeying together as Church. Participants then discerned what steps the Holy Spirit is inviting all of us to take—as Church—to grow in "synodality"The Synodal Theme Song, "Listen, Let Us Listen" (presented in the video on the left) was part of our listening sessions.