STEWARDSHIP is a complete and total way of life. It acknowledges our dependence on God for all we have and all we are. Stewardship of our time, talent and treasure lies at the heart of a Christian life. In short, it's something we do; it's the way we live. 

As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them in loving justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. Find a STEWARDSHIP PRAYER here.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We extend our gratitude to All Saints Parish in Evansville, In. for the use of their Stewardship artwork.

Stewardship of TIME and TALENT

One of the greatest gifts God gives us is our TIME. When we hand back a portion of each day to the One who made all our days, without thinking about what we get in return, we are living the life of a steward. Additionally, every one of us has something we can do to help others. The gift of our TALENTS invites us to recognize, cherish and share our God-given abilities. 

How can YOU enrich St. Mary's faith family? 

Please prayerfully ponder the descriptions of the various options for Volunteer service that St. Mary's offers (HERE) and begin your discernment. For those more interested in Fellowship & Social connections, go HERE.

Print a STEWARDSHIP/ VOLUNTEER  FORM and sign up for the ministry(s) of your choice. Drop the completed form into the collection box next time you're at Mass, or deliver (or mail) it to the Parish Office. Thank you!!

Stewardship of TREASURE

Please consider the spiritual and practical benefits of a pre-authorized commitment to the Stewardship of Treasure. 

Your gifts toward weekly Sunday offerings, the Building Fund, Together in Action, and other Catholic charities can be handled by Direct Debit, MasterCard or Visa simply with your pre-authorization.

Click HERE to donate to St. Mary's Parish online (through the Diocesan website) or if you prefer, go HERE for a printable form for pre-authorization and drop it in the collection box next time you're at Mass. The signed form may also be scanned and emailed to the Parish Office.

Funding Our Freedom Campaign 

(Established in 2012) 

Click HERE to learn how you can support the "FUNDING OUR FREEDOM" Campaign.  Find the necessary printable forms HERE.

If considering a plan for CHARITABLE GIFTING, we welcome and most graciously accept your generosity. To request more information,  email Jim Biblow or phone (403) 880-5444.


When the history of our generation of Catholics is written, may it be said of us: 

“What good stewards they were! They faced economic uncertainty and shifting demographics. They faced threats to the church from without and scandal from within. And yet they kept investing themselves in the life of the Church. They kept praying. They kept coming to Mass. They kept participating. They kept giving their life’s blood for the sake of God and His Church, and through their efforts and the grace of God, the world around them started to change. Ever gradually, the culture of death became a culture of life.” From Our Sunday Visitor Stewardship Pamphlet, 2007